Notting Leaf
Breakfast around Notting Leaf B&B
Breakfast is a great way to start your day. While some people prefer to skip breakfast, others need a source of energy to get going. below is the typical breakfast list in Wenkang street, Beichen Market, Guangfu , Linsen, Yangming and Minquan Road. Should not be missed.
Wenkang Street 文康街
益豐豆漿 Soy milk / clay oven rolls / fried bread stick
北新橋牛雜湯 Beef offal soup and meat bun
香亭土魠魚羹 Fried Spanish mackerel thick soup
擱再來小吃部 Welcome back Chinese Brunch
秋喜肉蛋土司 Meat and eggs toast
鍾記燒餅 Clay oven rolls
阿民刈包 Gua bao
二信飯糰 Rice ball
四季珍珠肉圓 Four season Ba wan
老張燒餅 Lao Zhang clay oven rolls
享吃飯糰 Enjoy eating rice ball
百福號水煎包 Shui Jian bao
Guangfu Rd 光復路
蒸饗軒燒餅店 Jensianken clay oven rolls
Minquan Rd 民權路
鄒姊的粥 Zou porridge
Yanming Rd 陽明路
藍21咖啡輕食 Blue 21
初夏早午餐 Chuxiz Brunch
Linsen Rd 林森路
樂晨早午餐 Happy Morning branch

07:00 -12:00
Tel : +886 6 926 8890
Distance : 600 M